The Two Powers meditation is intended to ground and center the druid in the energies of earth and sky. It is meant to cause a harmonious influx and return of primal earth and sky power through the three energetic cauldrons of wisdom, love and power. The intention is to form an ever increasing connection to the earth, its primal and nourishing current of life-sustaining power and to the sky, with its illuminating, awakening power of light. It is useful to use this attunement technique before magic or ritual to get into the proper mindset for the working. The two powers are based in some of Indo-European lore's core concepts, for example the sacred fire and water, and as such the technique is a way to find affinity with the ancestors. It is a way to open the mind and heart to receive the gods and commune with the nature spirits.
In my experience, the two powers meditation has taken me away from the mundane world and returned me to an enchanted existence of dwelling in a sacred reality. As I become the world tree, I feel myself at the centre of the cosmos. It reminds me that the cosmos, as huge as it may be, is something I am intimately connected to. When I feel myself firmly rooted in the ground I feel a timelessness, like I am connected to something unfathomably ancient. When I feel myself connecting to the star, I feel a weightlessness as though I could grow on forever reaching to the heavens. Together, these feelings take me away from my body and into a trance state of soothing calmness. As I sink my roots deeper and raise my branches higher, I focus on the three cauldrons and open myself to any wisdom, love, strength and inspiration that I can collect from the waters below and heavens above. Sometimes I see crows settle in my branches, or imagine my roots pushing through the minerals of a beautiful crystal cavern and I am in awe of the mysteries of the beauty of nature. When I feel the waters flowing up my roots and through me, washing over my head and returning to the earth I feel refreshed and cleansed. When I feel the starlight shining down into me and through me like a lantern I feel energized. Together these feelings connect me to the chaos of potential and transformative power. I have found it particularly difficult to ground and centre on, for example, the subway on the way to work, but have found it profoundly meaningful to cozy up to a tree in the forest and do the two powers meditation in a natural setting.
Works Cited
Corrigan, Ian, Ed. The Ar n'Draiocht Fein Dedicant Program. 2005.
Mother Grove ADF, The. The ADF Membership Guide. 5th Ed. 2006.
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